Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hey! Have I got an Assigment for you!

6 weeks in Bali shooting classic motorcycle racing super models who also play in a Stoner/Speed Metal band. All expense's paid and Phase One wants you to use the new camera with the Schneider Kreuznach glass and Profoto is on board with enough lighting gear to stress the Tokyo Grid.....

ahhhh one day that phone call/ email will happen.....one day....
 but not today.........

the more run of the mill communications I get are...

We are working on a brochure. We will need a photographer to come Thursday.
The two employees who will be photographed will be there any time after 8:00am.
What time works for you?
We will need separate environmental portrait of each employee.

that's slightly edited.
 I took the header and closer off... but that's pretty much it.
I then found out who they were working with in the design Dept.
 and asked if there was a vision or any kind of detail....

here"s a synopsis of the conversation.

"Make it look like an awesome place to work.....like it's the best place ever....."
Blank stare..."Got any more for me?"
"It's a simple piece a trifold  that highlights what a nice place it is  to work and how there are opportunities there. Probably 3-4 images horizontal and verticals....etc I know you will make it look good. oh.... and we are almost at deadline...so I'll need a quick turn around."
"how quick?"
"You're shooting Thursday...I'm going to press Friday."

now at this point..... the designer gives me a smile.
 we have worked together a bunch in the past.
and I know this smile.
it's the ~ I know I just dumped this on you and that's all the info I have because they didn't give me any real info and I have 200 other things I need to be doing here and 500 outside of here and I just really need some great images  to help me save this thing that just got dumped in my lap and I don't even have the copy for this thing yet.....
help....? Please...?~

never fear... I'm on it.
see it's not the DREAM ASSIGNMENT.
but it's an assignment... it pays the bills and that's good because the cat sure does like to eat....
I know I'm super lucky to be able to pay the bills with a camera.
and that's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to make this place....that I don't know what it looks like yet... look like an awesome place to work!
Every one I shoot is for the cover of Vanity Fair.
that's my mind set "knock it out of the park or die trying"

vague brief, check.
lights, camera, action, check, check, check.
address and contact person check and check.
sense of optimism and hope check and check.

and away we go....

 So I arrive early, because I'd rather have to much time then not enough...because we never have enough....
I explain to the security guard who I am and he sign's me in and tells me to go up to the appropriate floor.
I do and I find the proper door and then my contact.
She's super nice, we chat and I'm told while the people I'm there to photograph are there I need to catch them in between calls.
ok.... not to bad..... I can set up and when they are ready  turn to me and bang out a few images.
and in the mean time I need to make some images for the "filler" spaces. so I have run of the place.

the place....
the space....
yeah... ever see that movie Office Space..........
it's a cube farm....a beige cube farm humming with Fluorescent light.

not a beach in Bali.
but anyone can take a good photo on a beach in Bali....
so I set about it.
 one person has a really big window as a wall to her cube.
lil fill and a bounce card... not to shabby!

second person is in the middle of the floor I seriously got a little lost  getting there.
it's sort of disconcerting....disorienting all the sameness of it all.....

so.. this is a job for GIANT OCTAbox with massive power pack and a hair fan!
but I ain't got that stuff with me......
so how's about I use a 50" westcott apollo and 2 SB900s in it and a SB800 off the ceiling to camera right outside the cube and a old SB21 ring light as on axis fill.....?
 BAM done....

all set up....
where's my subject?
and she just went to lunch.....be back in 45mins or so.


so an hour to kill..I set about getting those 2-3 other filler shots.
man this place DEPRESSES me.

I couldn't do it.
no way... I'm more of the view has to change blue collar guy....

so I keep looking,  really looking.
snap here snap there...
and in all the same ness I start to see the differences.....
all the little things people bring in and "decorate" with....
there are lots of photos of kids... they serve as a reminder as to why you are there....need the money to feed the kids....

 need the money....that's why we are all here.....

so. I get what we need for the piece and do all the post and it goes out to the dsesigner then the printer client happy check comes bills paid Cat feed and happy.

then I take a look at the "lagniappe".....
the little extras I shot while killing time...
the stuff that the client or designer didn't want to see.
a little slice of life.....I couldn't do it but there are a few brave souls who do....
here they are...see for yourself....

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